
Here are some links to websites about the Rochester, New York area and groups we are involved in.

And the entire family now goes every Sunday to 

Webster Presbyterian Church


Until graduating in 2003, Emily was part of the nationally ranked


Webster Marching Band


See information about the University of Rochester, where Emily is now a student.

University of Rochester


Or take a look at Steve's school,


R.L. Thomas High School


For baseball fans out there, check out the local minor league team, the

Rochester Red Wings


And if you can't live without football, how about the

Buffalo Bills

(I know they aren't really Rochester, but they old training camp in the Rochester area, so Rochester natives seem to think the Bills belong to Rochester.)


If you prefer soccer, how about the

Rochester Raging Rhinos


How did Xerox start?  What are they doing now?  What kinds of things do they make now?

Xerox Corporation


For an over view of the Rochester area including the history and things to do in the city, try the

Rochester, New York Chamber of Commerce.


To see our local newspaper go to the website for

The Democrat and Chronicle.


To find out about the town of Webster, see the official town site

or find related sites in Yahoo

For a general overview of Monroe County and things to do, try the official county site

or find related sites in Yahoo


Up David Ruth Steve Emily Animals Webster Presbyterian Church Workcamps Rochester Weather Links Move to Rochester