Rochester Weather

Winter 2002 - 03
Ice Storm 2003
Winter 2003 - 04
Winter 2004 - 05
Winter 2005-2006
Winter 2006-07
Winter 2008 -09 

Winter 2008 - 09 Got off to an Early (and Abrupt) Start

Less than a week after the last mowing of the lawn (November 15), we had temperatures well below freezing, and significant snow on the ground!  No pictures, since the appearances aren't all that exciting.  This is the first time I have used the snow shovel so soon after last using the lawn mower.  Normally, there's several weeks to put the "summer" tools away and to prepare the "winter" tools.  I did not get the MINI or the lawn mower properly put away.  Fortunately, we had a bit of a temperature respite over  the Thanksgiving weekend to clean things up a little. 

Contrast with the late-arriving, erratic, and snowy Winter 2006 - 07

We've had a few inches of snow!.JPG (357151 bytes)

From  Winter 2006 - 07

(Click on the photo for more details.)

But, note that the sun is shining!

As you might guess, the weather in Rochester, New York is different from the weather in Orange County, California. Click on the photo below for details of the most severe winter we have had so far (2003-04).