David J. Arthur


Patents and Intellectual Property


Business success often depends on protecting ideas, information, and business identity from theft or copying, and on preserving the ability to offer products and services that customers want. Intellectual property can help.

Intellectual property (IP) is a collection of legal rights that can be used to protect certain intellectual creations, business information, and business identity. Intellectual property rights may be used to protect technological innovations, product formulations, know-how, customer lists, product names and logos, software, printed materials, audio-visual works, and many other creations. Intellectual property rights include patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.

Find out more about me and how I can help your business succeed.

David J. Arthur’s experience in developing strategically valuable intellectual property portfolios while being cost effective is now available to companies on a temporary or intermittent basis.

No attorney/client relationship is established by any contact you make with Mr. Arthur through any contact through this site. If you need legal advice, please consult with an attorney in your area.


This web site is for general information only. You should not consider the information presented at this site as formal legal advice, nor are we forming an attorney/client relationship by my providing this information. You should consult a qualified attorney for advice concerning your individual legal issues.

All views and opinions are the personal views and opinions of David Arthur, and should not in any way be attributed to any of Mr. Arthur's current or former clients or employers, including Xerox Corporation. 


David J. Arthur is available to help businesses develop strategically valuable and cost effective portfolios of intellectual property.

Strategic, Business-Oriented Intellectual Property